ASML Delivers First High-NA Lithography System to Intel

ASML Delivers First High-NA Lithography System to Intel

Delivery of ASML’s Advanced Lithography Systems to Intel

The Dutch semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML has delivered the first unit of its high-NA extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography systems to the chipmaker Intel. These high-NA EUV machines are designed to enable the production of smaller, faster semiconductors.

Cost and Shipping Details of High-NA EUV Systems

Priced at over $300 million each, the high-NA EUV systems are shipped in 250 separate crates. They are expected to be deployed in commercial chip production from 2026 or 2027 onwards. ASML plans to deliver around twenty high-NA systems annually by 2027 or 2028.

ASML’s First Delivery and Industry Interest

ASML shared a photo of the first delivery on social media platform X. Intel is the first, but not the only company to place an order for ASML’s high-NA systems. Other semiconductor giants, including TSMC, Samsung, SK hynix, and Micron, have also ordered the new EUV machines, as reported by Reuters.

The Future of Semiconductor Technology with High-NA and Hyper-NA Systems

The high-NA systems represent the next generation of ASML’s EUV machines, featuring a higher numerical aperture to increase chip density. In the future, a hyper-NA system — with an even higher numerical aperture for creating smaller chips — is expected to follow. Tweakers had an earlier discussion this year with CTO Martin van den Brink about ASML’s future goals.

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